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Low & Partners (HQ)

Add:5, Jalan SS 21/23,
Damansara Utama,
Petaling Jaya, 47400,
Selangor, Malaysia.
Tel:+603-7729 5293 
Fax:+603-7729 5298
Office Hours:Mon to Fri (9am - 6pm)
(Except Public Holiday)

Location Map : Click Here to find out the landmarks near our PJ office

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Low & Partners (Klang)

Add:No. 35-2, Jln Batu Nilam 5,
Bandar Bukit Tinggi 1,
41200, Klang,
Selangor, Malaysia.
Tel:+603-3318 1293
Fax:+603-3322 1292
Office Hour:Monday to Friday (9am - 6pm) (Except Public Holiday)
Saturday: By Appointment Only

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Low & Partners (Cheras/ Kajang)

Jalan C180/1,
Dataran C180,
Cheras, 43200,
Selangor, Malaysia.
Tel:+603-9548 0293
Office Hour:Monday to Friday (9am - 6pm)
(Except Public Holiday)
Saturday: By Appointment Only

Navigation:  contact us Google maps to Low & Partners Cheras / Kajang waze to Low & Partners Cheras / Kajang

Low & Partners: Johor Bahru (Mount Austin)

Add:39-1, Jalan Austin Heights 8/8,
Mount Austin,
Johor Bahru, 81100,
Johor, Malaysia.
Tel:+607-364 9293
Fax:+607-364 9298
Office Hours:Mon to Fri (9am - 6pm)
(Except Public Holiday)

Location Map : Click Here to find out the landmarks near our JB office (Mount Austin)

Navigation: contact us Google maps to Low & Partners Johor Bahru Mount Austin waze to Low & Partners Johor Bahru Mount Austin

Low & Partners: Johor Bahru (Southkey Midvalley)

Add:02-02, Block H, Southkey Mosaic Commercial,
Persiaran Southkey 1, Kota Southkey,
Johor Bahru, 80150,
Johor, Malaysia.
Tel:+607-338 4495
Fax:+607-338 4395
Office Hours:Mon to Fri (9am - 6pm)
(Except Public Holiday)


Navigation: contact us Google maps to Low & Partners Johor Bahru Southkey Midvalley waze to Low & Partners Johor Bahru Southkey Midvalley

Low & Partners: Penang (Georgetown)

Add:48, Jalan Irrawaddi,
off Jalan Burma,
Georgetown, 10050,
Penang, Malaysia.
Tel:+604-229 5293
Office Hours:Mon to Fri
(9am - 6pm)
(Except Public Holiday)

Location Map : Click Here to find out the landmarks near our Penang office

Navigation:contact us Google maps to Low & Partners Penang Georgetown Waze to Low & Partners Penang Georgetown

Low & Partners: Perak (Ipoh)

Add:8B, Persiaran Greentown 1,
Greentown Business Centre,
Ipoh, 30450,
Perak, Malaysia.
Tel:+605 241 8293
Fax:+605 241 8298
Office Hour:Mon to Fri (9am - 6pm)
(Except Public Holiday)

Navigation:contact us Google maps to Low & Partners Perak Greentown Business Centre Waze to Low & Partners Perak Greentown Business Centre

Low & Partners: Perak (Taiping)


No. 11, Jalan Tokong,
34000, Taiping,
Perak, Malaysia

Tel:+605-808 2293
Office Hour:Mon to Fri (9am - 6pm)
(Except Public Holiday)

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Low & Partners: Negeri Sembilan (Seremban)

Add:No. 233-1, Jln S2 B10,
Uptown Avenue Seremban 2,
70300, Seremban,
Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia.
Tel:+606-601 2293
Fax:+606-601 3298
Office Hours:Mon to Fri (9am - 6pm)
(Except Public Holiday)

Navigation:contact us Google maps to Low & Partners Seremban Uptown Avenue waze to Low & Partners Seremban Uptown Avenue

Low & Partners: Pahang (Triang)


23A-1, Jalan Temerloh,
Taman Raya, 28300
Triang, Pahang, Malaysia.

Tel:+609- 250 9293
Office Hours:Mon to Fri (9am - 6pm)
(Except Public Holiday)

Navigation:contact us Google maps to Low & Partners Seremban Uptown Avenue waze to Low & Partners Seremban Uptown Avenue