FAQs for Single Status Confirmation in Malaysia

Single Status Certificate/ Marital Status Statement: What, Why and How?

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  1. What is a Single Status Certificate/ Marital Status Statement?

    This is a document issued by Jabatan Pendaftaran Negara (JPN) (Malaysia’s National Registration Department”) as a certificate of confirmation of the single (marital) status of an individual. This certificate applies to non-Muslim Malaysian citizens.

  2. Why is it important to have a Single Status Certificate/ Marital Status Statement?

    This is important if an individual wishes to marry a person in a foreign country that practices monogamous marriages (where a person may only be married to one person at a time). This would mean that if a person wishes to marry a person in Hong Kong, Singapore or any other country that practices monogamous marriages, they may require parties to prove that they are not involved in any other marriages in their home country before the marriage can be registered.

  3. Will it be serious to not produce the Single Status Certificate/ Marital Status Statement to register a marriage overseas?

    The laws of Malaysia provides that where a person lawfully married under any law, religion, custom or usage or during the continuance of such marriage, who purports to remarry, shall be deemed to commit the offence of marrying again during the lifetime of his or her spouse. This is an offence under Section 494 of the Penal Code.
    It may not be compulsory to produce this certificate to the foreign authorities, as it depends on the law and requirements of the country in which you are choosing to remarry. Do check with the Registry of Marriages whether they require such documentation prior to registering your marriage.

  4. How long is the validity of a Single Status Certificate/ Marital Status Statement?

    It is best to plan ahead if you do intend to remarry in a foreign country and check with them regarding the requirements as the Single Status Certificate only lasts 150 days from the date of issuance.

  5. Where can I apply for the Single Status Certificate/ Marital Status Statement?

    Applications can only be made to the JPN Headquarters in Putrajaya personally or appointing a law firm. You may contact us for more information or to engage our services in extracting this certificate for you!

If you have any questions or require any additional information, please contact our lawyer that you usually deal with.

This article is written by 
Cassandra Lee Tze Hui
Associate, Low & Partners
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