What are the differences between having a Will and not having a Will in Sabah?

1. What is the Last Will and Testament?

A Last Will and Testament is a legal document in which an individual, known as the testator, specifies the distribution of their assets post-mortem according to their wishes.


2. What are the requirements to make a valid Will?
  1. Testator must not be under the age of twenty-one (21) years old.
  2. Testator must be of sound mind.
  3. The Will must be made in writing.
  4. The Will must be made voluntarily.
  5. The Will must be signed by the Testator and witness by two (2) persons (should not be the beneficiaries and/or beneficiaries’ spouse).
  6. The Will must be signed by the witnesses in the presence of each other and also in the presence of the testator.
3. What are the differences between having a Will and not having a Will?
Particulars Having a Will in Sabah Not having a Will in Sabah
Distribution of Assets Control Over Estate 

You decide who inherits your assets.

State Decides 

The distribution of your assets is determined by Sabah intestacy law (Intestate Succession Ordinance 1960).

Requirement of Surety Not Required

No surety bond is required.


You might get an exemption at the Court’s discretion.

Guardianship  Guardians For Minors

You can appoint guardians for your minor children.

Court Decision

The court decides on guardianship for minors, which might not be your preferred choice.

Potential Delay  Faster Probate Process

Will can lead to a more streamlined and quicker process with less costly.

Potentially Lengthy Process

The absence of a Will might prolong the process and increase costs.

Family Disputes Reduced Family Disputes

A clear Will can minimize conflicts over your estate.

Increased Risk of Disputes

Family members might dispute over the distribution.

Flexibility Flexibility in Distribution

You can include friends, charities, or non-immediate family members as your beneficiaries in you Will.

Limited to Legal Heirs

Only legal heirs as defined by law will inherit, possibly excluding those you care about.

If you have any questions or require any additional information or clarification, please contact our lawyer that you usually deal with.

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