Maritime Insurance Law Part 5

Pursuant to the earlier topic of Introduction to Maritime Law in Malaysia, published on 22 February 2021, in the coming series the basis and elements of Marine Insurance claims will be explored. The Construction Of Marine Policies Principles Of Construction The words in a policy is to be construed in a commercial sense according to…

Maritime Insurance Law Part 4

Pursuant to the earlier topic of Introduction to Maritime Law in Malaysia, published on 22 February 2021, in the coming series the basis and elements of Marine Insurance claims will be explored. Form And Contents Of Marine Insurance Policies What Insurances Must Be Made By A Policy A contract must be embodied in a policy…

Maritime Insurance Law Part 3

Pursuant to the earlier topic of Introduction to Maritime Law in Malaysia, published on 22 February 2021, in the coming series the basis and elements of Marine Insurance claims will be explored. Insurable Interest Insurable Interest Generally English law recognised that contracts of insurance required the assured to have an interest in the subject matter…

Maritime Insurance Law Part 2

Pursuant to the earlier topic of Introduction to Maritime Law in Malaysia, published on 22 February 2021, in the coming series the basis and elements of Marine Insurance claims will be explored. The Subject of Marine Insurance What Can Be Insured Generally, everything that will be exposed to risk of facing the perils of the…

Maritime Insurance Law Part 1

Pursuant to the earlier topic of Introduction to Maritime Law in Malaysia, published on 22 February 2021, in the coming series, as restated by Chakra Thillainathan, the basis and elements of Marine Insurance claims will be explored in the following 31 parts. Codification Of The Law Of Marine Insurance Codification The Marine Insurance Act 1906…

Divorce and Custody Battle

Divorce and Custody Battle

The Complete Guide to Divorce and Custody Battle: How They Affect You and What You Can Do Divorce and custody battle can get really ugly and distressing, we’ve heard of many custody battles when it comes to a contested divorce but how does it actually work? Are you really going to lose your child if…

Distribution Act

Distribution Act

马来西亚分配法令1958能充的分配死者的遗产吗?会不会造成不公平事件? 为什么律师都鼓励每个人建立自己的遗嘱。 Distribution Act 1958 (分配法令1958)是马来西亚一项有效规定在没有遗嘱时分配遗产的法令。它规定了死者在死时没有立遗嘱的情况下,应如何将死者的财产分配给其继承人。但是,这个法令真的能很完善的分配与反映死者的意愿吗?如果您想将您的遗产分配给您所爱的家人,您需要立一份遗嘱。 想必绝大部分民众或多或少都知道什么是遗嘱。 我们律师楼也非常鼓励人人都能立一份属于自己的遗嘱,也时不时会举办大大小小的讲座会倡导并且教育民众关于立遗嘱的重要性。 不过当然遗嘱毕竟是把个人死后如何分配财产的意愿记录下来,无可避按的在这个社会还是会有部分民众认为早立遗嘱是会带来晦气和诅咒自己的成分。也有一小部分觉得法律已经会为死者安排妥当,没必要多此一举立遗嘱。 马来西亚法律也的确为没立遗嘱的死者设立了分配法令1958。法令里也预设了死者的意愿 – 把生前累计的财富交由至亲(父母、另一半、孩子等等)。可是这个法令真的能很完善的分配与反映死者的意愿吗? Distribution Act 1958 (分配法令1958) 是如何运作的 以下图表是分配法令1958第6条文 所预设的受益人与分配额度 配偶 孩子 父母 只有配偶生存 100% – – 只有父母生存 – – 100% 只有孩子生存 – 100% – 只有配偶和父母生存 1/2 – 1/2 只有配偶和孩子生存 1/3 2/3 – 只有父母和孩子生存 – 2/3 1/3 配偶,孩子,父母都生存 1/4 1/2 1/4 假若死者以上至亲其实都不存在,那他的遗产将分配予死者的(需按照以下排列前后顺序): (一)兄弟姐妹; (二)公公婆婆; (三)父母的兄弟姐妹; (四)曾祖父母;…