Right to Privacy In Malaysia

Introduction Imagine enjoying a pleasant meal at a restaurant, accompanied by some light-hearted music and casual dance moves. After returning home and resuming your usual activities, you are suddenly overwhelmed by a flood of messages and notifications on your phone. To your dismay, you discover that a video of your meal, featuring your impromptu dance,…

Maintenance Obligations Between Spouses

In the past, women were often confined to household responsibilities, with their contributions limited to managing the home and caring for the family. However, this traditional division of roles has evolved considerably. Today, women are active participants in the workforce, contributing financially and professionally at levels equal to their spouses. Given these societal shifts, the…

Soalan Lazim: Pengesahan Pernikahan

Majlis pernikahan yang dilakukan di dalam dan luar negara tanpa kebenaran Mahkamah Syariah sudah menjadi amalan dan budaya masyarakat Malaysia tanpa mengetahui impak serta kesan yang akan berlaku sekiranya pernikahan tersebut tidak didaftarkan di Malaysia. 1. Apakah yang dimaksudkan dengan “bernikah tanpa kebenaran”? Bernikah tanpa kebenaran merupakan pernikahan yang dilakukan tanpa memenuhi garis panduan yang…

Can I Sell My Portion of a Joint-Name Property?

Joint name property means ‘joint ownership’ or ‘co-proprietorship’ of a property. It simply refers to two people (or more) who each have a share of the same property. This could include cohabiting couples or friends or family members who own a property together. Whether you are a joint owner with your partner, a family member,…