WHAT BUSINESS ENTITIES AND BUSINESS OWNERS MUST KNOW ABOUT THE NEW SECTION 17A Introduction of Section 17A Section 17A of the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission Act 2009 (“MACC Act”) came into force on 1st June 2020 through an amendment bill gazetted back in May 2018. This addition establishes a new statutory corporate liability on commercial organizations…

Hak Jagaan Anak

Hak Jagaan Anak

HADHANAH: Bagaimana Status Hak Jagaan Anak Selepas Perceraian? Isu Hadhanah atau hak jagaan anak sering timbul apabila berlakunya permasalahan rumah tangga atau perceraian di antara pasangan suami dan isteri. Perebutan hak jagaan anak sama ada di antara ibu dan bapa kandung atau pihak ketiga seperti ahli keluarga yang lain adalah sukar untuk diselesaikan dan sering…

Home Buying Nightmare: Malaysia Law Protection

Home Buying Nightmare: Malaysia Law Protection

Projects Are Delayed or Abandoned Buying houses can be a nightmare especially when the developer delays in delivering vacant possession to the purchasers. This happens more often than not when unwary purchasers fell into the trap of rapacious and unscrupulous developers by paying a substantial amount to their developers as deposits or booking fees or…

Nature of Admiralty Jurisdiction

Nature of Admiralty Jurisdiction

What is the nature of Admiralty Jurisdiction in Malaysia? Malaysian Admiralty Jurisdiction is derived from the class of actions available within Sections 20 to 24 of the UK Senior Courts Act 1981 via section 24(b) of the Court of Judicature Act 1964. Apart from this the admiralty jurisdiction of Malaysia is also entrenched in section…