Can properties obtained via inheritance, gift, or love and affection transfer be subjected to division of matrimonial assets?

The definition of ‘matrimonial assets’ under the Law Reform (Marriage and Divorce) Act 1976 The interpretation and definition of the term ‘matrimonial assets’ under the Malaysian Law is rather wide and straightforward. Section 76 of the Law Reform (Marriage and Divorce) Act 1976 (Act 164) empowers the court to order division of assets between parties…


View English Version 如果您是马来西亚公民,并计划与外籍配偶结婚,您需要获得“单身证明”(Single Status Certificate)。单身证明是一份文件,证明您是单身人士,未婚或已离婚,可以合法结婚。 以下是关于申请马来西亚单身证明的指南,包括 • 申请程序 • 所需文件 • 等待时间 • 费用 • 律师楼代办的程序等相关信息。 如何您可以通过以下方式申请单身证明: 律师楼将会协助您收集和准备所需文件,并向国家登记处提交申请,然后通知您审核和处理的结果。 申请需要的文件: 以下是您需要准备的文件: • 马来西亚身份证(MyKad)和有效护照副本; • 出生证明副本(如果您的出生证明未在国家登记处注册); • 其他可能需要的文件,如离婚证书或丧偶证明(如果适用)。 请注意,如果您的文凭或学历证书不是由马来西亚政府颁发的,您还需要进行文件认证。文件认证的过程需要向马来西亚外交部(Ministry of Foreign Affairs)提交申请,并缴纳认证费用。认证完成后,您将获得一份文件认证证明,以证明您的文凭或学历证书是真实有效的。 等待时间和费用 以下是一般的流程: 选择一家信誉良好的律师楼,并与他们联系以了解程序、等待时间和费用。 律师楼代表你提交申请:一旦律师楼收到你的文件,他们将为你提交单身证明申请。 领取单身证明:如果你的申请获得批准,律师楼将通知你前往政府部门领取单身证明。 申请人不在马来西亚或境外的程序 如果您不在马来西亚,您可以通过电子邮件或信函向国家登记局(National Registration Department)提出申请。相关资料可游览 。 或者 向当地的马来西亚驻外使领馆咨询单身证明申请。 请注意,不同的马来西亚驻外使领馆对于单身证明的申请要求可能会略有不同,因此建议您在申请前向具体的使领馆咨询相关申请程序和所需文件,包括是否提供翻译服务。 更轻松的选择可以由律师楼代办单身证明申请  是的,您可以通过马来西亚的律师楼寻求帮助。马来西亚的律师可以在境内和境外提供法律咨询和协助服务。如果您需要在海外进行相关法律事务,可以考虑寻找有经验的律师来帮助您处理。 总体来说,自己申请和律师楼代办单身证明申请程序的流程和所需文件大致相同,但律师楼可以为您处理所有申请过程中可能出现的问题,帮助您更快地获得单身证明。 若有任何疑问或需要法律咨询,请联系我们的律师。

Drink Driving in Malaysia a Criminal offence?

Drunk driving is a severe offence in Malaysia and is treated as a criminal offence. It basically means a person who drives a motor vehicle whilst the alcohol concentration in their blood, breath or urine exceeds the legal limits. The Legal Limits of drinking could be: (a) 22 microgrammes of alcohol in 100 millilitres of…

Can Employer not Pay Employees for Overtime?

Due to the recent amendment of the Employment Act 1955 (“the Act”), there is an increasing concern among the employers regarding the payment of overtime. The employers are piled with the pressure to pay employees earning RM 4,000 or less with overtime allowance as this would undoubtedly raise the operational costs involved in business. Many…

Updates on Industrial Relations Act 1967

The Industrial Relations (Amendment) Act 2020 have made significant amendments to the Industrial Relations Act 1967, one of which is the deletion of section 33A of the Act and the introduction of section 33C to the Industrial Relations Act 1967. Previously under section 33A of the Industrial Relations Act 1967, any challenge towards the Industrial…