Jurisdiction Under Sections 48 and 49 of the Law Reform (Marriage and Divorce) Act 1976: A Comprehensive Analysis

A. Introduction The Law Reform (Marriage and Divorce) Act 1976 (LRA 1976) governs civil marriages and divorces for non-Muslims in Malaysia. Central to its jurisdictional framework are sections 48 and 49, which determine when Malaysian courts can hear petitions for divorce and judicial separation. These provisions ensure that only cases with a sufficient connection to…

Maintenance Obligations Between Spouses

In the past, women were often confined to household responsibilities, with their contributions limited to managing the home and caring for the family. However, this traditional division of roles has evolved considerably. Today, women are active participants in the workforce, contributing financially and professionally at levels equal to their spouses. Given these societal shifts, the…

Division of Matrimonial Assets in Malaysia – The key factors

In Malaysia, the division of assets acquired during a marriage (matrimonial assets) for non-Muslims is governed by the Law Reform (Marriage and Divorce) Act 1976 (“LRA”). Section 76 of the LRA empowers the court to distribute these assets fairly upon granting a divorce or judicial separation. Definition of Matrimonial Assets Matrimonial assets include all immovable…

Soalan Lazim: Pengesahan Pernikahan

Majlis pernikahan yang dilakukan di dalam dan luar negara tanpa kebenaran Mahkamah Syariah sudah menjadi amalan dan budaya masyarakat Malaysia tanpa mengetahui impak serta kesan yang akan berlaku sekiranya pernikahan tersebut tidak didaftarkan di Malaysia. 1. Apakah yang dimaksudkan dengan “bernikah tanpa kebenaran”? Bernikah tanpa kebenaran merupakan pernikahan yang dilakukan tanpa memenuhi garis panduan yang…

Prenuptial Agreements: Understanding the Basics and Beyond in Malaysian Law

In the context of Malaysian society, where family values are deeply entrenched and the legal system intertwines with cultural norms, the concept of prenuptial agreements may seem foreign to some. However, as financial landscapes become more complex and marriages more diverse, understanding the intricacies of prenuptial agreements under Malaysian law has never been more crucial….

Soalan Lazim: Tuntutan Perceraian Melalui Hakam

Dalam menuntut perceraian di Mahkamah Syariah, ramai pihak bimbang sekiranya suami/isteri beliau tidak mahu memberikan kerjasama dan tidak bersetuju dalam tuntutan perceraian yang telah difailkan. Oleh itu, wujudnya HAKAM sebagai alternatif bagi memudahkan tuntutan perceraian. 1. Apakah itu Hakam ? Hakam adalah seseorang yang dilantik oleh suami, isteri atau mahkamah sebagai penimbangtara dengan tujuan menyelesaikan…