Child Adoption In Malaysia

Child Adoption In Malaysia

Introduction: What are the Law governing Adoption in Malaysia? Adoption Act (in Peninsular of Malaysia) Registration of Adoption Act (in Peninsular Malaysia) Adoption Ordinances (East of Malaysia) Adoption Act 1952 (applicable to non-Muslims only) A child adopted under the Adoption Act is legally considered a child born to the adoptive parents in lawful wedlock. According…

Procedure on Joint Petition

Procedure on Joint Petition

Joint Petition: ALL YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT UNCONTESTED DIVORCE In the past, married couples may have arguments that the lack of time had corroded their relationship. In light of this Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, the new norm now encourages everyone to stay at home, or at initial, makes it compulsory to stay at…

Change Surname

Change Surname

Change Surname in Malaysia: Everything You Need to Know How to legally name change in Malaysia? Application for change of name of a child that is already registered must be made within one (1) year of the date of birth of the child under the BIRTHS AND DEATHS REGISTRATION ACT 1957 It can be made…



马来西亚 家庭暴力 法律援助完整指南及其如何为女性提供安全 疫情当前,除了前线人员与提供基础服务的业者,其他人民一律被呼吁呆在家中,非必要不得出门以防感染或扩散病毒。在这时刻我们常常会听到人民担心的课题无非都是,“那我的头发长长了没法剪不是成了F4?” 、“关在家里做什么好啊“、”那我吃什么啊?“、“将有一群新生儿爆发”,而真正该被担心的问题如 家庭暴力 ,家人或伴侣所带来的精神虐待和压力等却被忽视。 常常人家都觉得呆在家里是最安全的因为常常我们都被灌输家是你永远的避风港。可是根据我们妇女援助组织的报告显示,家庭暴力的案件却在这个时候倍增,而这一群受害者由于被迫留在家中,目前也处于在水深火热之中,没法出逃。除此之外,夫妻间的矛盾与日俱增,而在这短短的几个星期内,我们更接到无数客户的查询以寻求法律援助及了解离婚程序,而我们所了解到的夫妻矛盾更是层出不穷。在这里我们举出几个例子。 “我发现我的妻子出轨,虽然双方已经决定冰释前嫌,而妻子也已经同意与第三者断绝关系,但是妻子终日在家为了与第三者分手的事郁郁寡欢,甚至晚上睡觉躺在同一张床上,我都可以感受到她因与第三者分手而掉眼泪,把一切看在眼里的我,更是饱受煎熬,我不想和妻子离婚,但是现在我想出去喘口气,装作没看到妻子的难过都不行。” “呆在家里终日和妻子吵架,我想和妻子分开冷静,但是现在想要搬出去住都不行。“ “由于无法出门工作,丈夫变得空闲,要求进行房事的次数越来越频密,拒绝几次以后双方都不再搭理彼此。” “前妻要求复合,常常以自杀来要挟我半夜去见她,要是现在她有工作,她那里有闲工夫要半夜见我。” “我怀疑丈夫与公司女同事偷情,但是现在丈夫都没有工作,我想去抓奸都没机会,还得在家对着他装着没事的强颜欢笑。想着就觉得矛盾。“ “我和妻子都没得出门工作,妻子呆在家久了就闲得一直检查我的电话电脑,邮件信息,脸书朋友等,我都快疯了。我现在才知道妻子是个控制狂。“ 等等等等 … … 常常人说,远距离的爱情无法维持,但是现在似乎太过于亲近、见得太频繁也未必是件好事。人家说,两个人会因距离而分开,这句话说得不错。两个人的距离拿捏得不当,也是会出问题的,进而演变成家庭暴力。而说到家庭暴力,不一定是肢体上的冲突,在精神上施加压力也可以是暴力的一种,而长期的精神虐待与压力,包括夫妻间的冷暴力,所造成精神上和心理上的侵犯和伤害更不容轻视。 在对抗疫情且努力维持夫妻感情和家庭和睦的当儿,大家也应该好好保护自己,不让自己成为家庭暴力的受害者。 而我们,也尽所能努力帮助受害者脱离苦海,给予法律上的援助。 本文是由我们律师楼的律师团队撰写, Gwen Yeap Siew Fen Partner, Low & Partners Jareen Lee Hoay Yin Senior Associate, Low & Partners

Divorce Proceedings in Malaysia

Divorce Proceedings in Malaysia

Divorce Proceedings in Malaysia: A Comprehensive Guide This article provides the readers with information on divorce proceedings in Malaysia. It covers the grounds for divorce, property division, child custody, and alimony. What are the requirements for divorce proceedings in Malaysia? The marriage must be registered or considered to be registered under Malaysia law or a…