Delivery of Vacant Possession in Sarawak

Whether the date of delivery of the vacant possession of the building in Sarawak shall be calculated from the date the booking fee was paid OR from the date the Sale and Purchase Agreement was signed? The method of calculating the date of delivery of vacant possession in Sarawak is provided in the Form B…

Updates on Real Property Gain Tax (RPGT) 2022

One of the highlights of the Budget 2022, proposed by Tengku Datuk Seri Zafrul Abdul Aziz, our Minister of Finance, is that the disposal of real property by individual citizens and permanent residents (Part I as below) starting from the Sixth (6) years and above will be removed. Section 30 of the Finance Bill 2021…

Foreigner Purchase of Property

Purchase of Properties in Malaysia by Foreigners With the blooming of the real property market in Malaysia, it is an ideal time for foreign investors to invest in the country. It is often said that Malaysia is still amongst the countries in Asia which has the most affordable property prices. Apart from that, with the…

Conventional v Islamic Loan

The Differences Between a Conventional and Islamic Housing Loan and the Consequences of Default Regardless of whether you are a Malaysian or a foreigner, you are spoiled with choices of housing loans offered by banks in Malaysia, tailored depending on your needs. Most banks in Malaysia offer both Conventional and Islamic Housing Loan. How then…

The Basic Procedure on How a Strata Management Bodies May Recover Outstanding Maintenance Charges

The Strata Legislations provides for the maintenance and management of strata schemes and comprehensive procedures, scope of power and duties to different types of management bodies. Thus, it is essential for these different Strata Management Bodies to maintain and manage the subdivided buildings and their common properties in accordance with the statutory legislation [collectively “Strata…

Land Law- Indefeasibility

Yours, Mine and Ours- A Tale of Indefeasibility Owning a piece of property does not necessarily guarantee that you’re the only person holding ‘title’ to it. Real estate fraud, or scams in real estate, are a real threat in recent times, what with the development of case law illustrating the severity of this legal pandemic….

Memorandum of Transfer (Sarawak)

Memorandum of Transfer (Sarawak)

The Definitive Guide to MOT Procedures In Sarawak Before presenting the Memorandum of Transfer (MOT) for registration purpose at the Land and Survey Department, Sarawak, we must ensure that we follow the required procedure. Procedure: Preparation of complete MOT Prepare one (1) original copy and two (2) duplicate copies of the MOT Make sure that…



房屋买卖协议 , 订购前需要了解的法律知识。 买房买卖是人生中最重要的投资之一。在做出如此重大的决定之前,您应该了解如何保护您的权利以及您的责任是什么。 房屋买卖协议 概述了买卖双方同意的条款和条件。它包括:价格、日期和签署日期、拥有日期、交易成本等。该协议还包括一项条款,规定如果任何一方违约,他们将承担某些处罚。 房产的种类包括: 受Housing Development Act (HDA) 1966保护的房产及; 商业房产 Commercial Property (不受HDA 1966保护)。 当签了 房屋买卖协议 Sale and Purchase Agreement (SPA),终于可以拿房子的时候,须知道入伙纸Certificate of Fitness For Occupation (CF)和完工及合格证书Certificate of Completion and Compliance (CCC) 。 CCC于2007年4月取代了CF。 此证书对屋主而言是非常重要的,是官方确认该建筑符合其建造目的的证书。 主要是评估房子住户的安全和房子是否处于宜居。 针对建筑物的建造,设计和施工方面上做出详细的监督和审查,确保三方都是依据所规定的国家标准。 当屋主接获领钥匙通知信的时候: 一般上,在领钥匙的时候发展商负责人都会给屋主一张签收纸,要求屋主签名做实。 在签署前,切记要把文件仔细阅读清楚,确保检查完了屋子的各个角落才签名。 检查屋子和所签署的SPA是否吻合 其中包括:确保固定装置已安装完善与能否正常操作,查水龙头和沐浴器是否已连接,确保排水管道,厕所以及屋子的各个角落没有漏水的问题。当然,也建议屋主检查每一副墙壁、看看地板与天花板,每一扇门和窗户是否有留下任何明显的缺陷。 常见的缺陷:窗口开关不完善,墙壁有明显凹凸不平/空鼓/裂缝,墙壁可有空心砖窗框/屋顶渗水,浴室厕所排污管/下水道阻塞,水泥板/地面瓷砖爆裂。 其中也要进一步确定: (1) 发展商是否已取得CCC (2) 屋子有无缺陷(Defect) (3) 附属区域 (Accessory Parcel) 是否完善…