A Management Corporation Imposing Different Rates of Maintenance and Sinking Fund Charges (‘Charges’) In A Strata Property- Yes or No?

INTRODUCTION The Strata Management Act 2013 in Malaysia governs the management and upkeep of stratified residential properties. It aims to ensure that these properties are well-managed, and that residents, developers, and landowners have their rights and responsibilities clearly defined. However, a plethora of issues arises in the maintenance and management of stratified mixed developments i.e…


1. 租赁协议期限 明确租赁期的长短,例如为期一年、两年或其他具体时长。 2. 每月租金 说明租户每月需支付的租金金额。 3. 付款截止日期 协议应明确规定租金每月的付款日期,以避免误解或逾期付款。 4. 押金 租赁协议通常需要支付押金,包括: • 租金押金: 通常被称为保证金,用于覆盖潜在的损坏。 • 水电押金: 用于支付未缴清的水电费。 押金通常在租赁期结束后退还,前提是没有损坏或欠款。 5. 租赁协议的终止 该部分详细说明房东或租户在何种情况下以及如何终止协议,包括任何必 要的通知期限。 6. 续租选项 某些协议允许租户在租赁期满后继续租用,但房东可能会调整续租期的租 金或其他条款。 7. 转租 如果租户希望将房产或部分房产转租给他人,协议应明确规定相关规则。 大多数房东要求事先获得书面批准。 8. 维修责任 协议应明确房产维修的责任分配: • 租户通常负责小型维修。 • 房东通常负责主要维修,以确保房产的安全和适居性。 如有任何疑问或需要深入的法律咨询,请联系我们的律师。

Can Foreigner Own Immovable Property In Sarawak?

Q: Who is classified as a “foreigner”? A: As defined under the Sarawak Land Code, a foreigner is: – a) any person who is not a Malaysian citizen and not permanently resident in Sarawak; b) any foreign company, corporation, society, association or other body which is not registered in Malaysia under any written law applicable…

Can I Sell My Portion of a Joint-Name Property?

Joint name property means ‘joint ownership’ or ‘co-proprietorship’ of a property. It simply refers to two people (or more) who each have a share of the same property. This could include cohabiting couples or friends or family members who own a property together. Whether you are a joint owner with your partner, a family member,…