1 | Acted for a petitioner wife in pursuing claims against the petitioner husband for matrimonial assets worth around RM20mil. |
2 | Successfully settled an on-going and highly disputed divorced case involving an entrepreneur with multiple assets worth more than 10 million in total through an out-of-court settlement and negotiation with the opponent solicitors. |
3 | Disputes on multimillion worth of assets involving more than 5 properties, disputed sum more than 10 millions. |
4 | Obtained custody, care and control of a child who was abducted and grounded overseas without the other parent’s consent. |
5 | Acted as Co-counsel that successfully procure an adoption order for offsprings of MH17 victims. |
6 | Reconnect a father to his son 6 years later the son was abducted by his mother. |
7 | Obtained warrant of arrest against an ex-spouse who fails to pay wife and child maintenance. |
8 | Successfully traced assets siphoned out to reduce the other party’s claim on matrimonial assets. |
9 | Obtained order for access in favour of a parent who was being denied access to the child. |
10 | Highly contested foreign divorce proceedings involving celebrities, high profile business entrepenueurs (listed companies). |
11 | Judicial review in declaring the children’s registration and/or declaration of conversion of religion without the mother’s consent is void. |
12 | Matters involving issues on extension of foreign spouse visa and their rights in divorce and matrimonial disputes. |
13 | Matters involving foreign spouses absconded the child of the marriage. |
14 | Adoption of child. |
15 | Committal proceedings involving non-payment of maintenance and refusal of child access. |
16 | Matters involving domestic violence. |
17 | Matters involving variation of divorce terms. |
18 | Matters involving injunction against molestation and taking the child of marriage out of Malaysia. |
19 | Matrimonial disputes involving foreign jurisdiction. |
20 | Successfully helped a client to gain a restraining order towards the ex-spouse to prevent him from harassing and/or disturbing the client and the child. |
21 | Acted as Co-counsel in handling complex extraterritorial adoption order. |
22 | Acted as Co-counsel in a judicial review application against Majlis Agama Selangor and Another to quash an unlawful conversion of religion of 5 children in High Court. |
23 | Acted as Co-counsel for an estate administration dispute involving claim from ex-spouse of the deceased. |
24 | Handled cases involving domestic violence. |
25 | Handled cases involving illegitimate child issues in a complex contested succession matters. |
26 | Complex contested divorce matters involving issues such as adultery, division of matrimonial assets, custodianship of children, wife and children maintenance, injunction against bringing children out of jurisdiction as well as recovery of properties transferred |
27 | Filling of interlocutory application such as discovery application, dispensation of tribunal proceedings, dispensation of service and ancillary relief in High Court. |
28 | Annulment of marriage. |
29 | Seeking for Declaration Order for foreign divorce matter. |
30 | Successfully helped a domestic violence victim to regain the custody, care and control as well as child maintenance for her daughter after the father had alienated the daughter from her for more than a year. |
31 | Acted for a petitioner husband in an originating summons to set aside the Court’s Order and Decree Nisi which was obtained fraudulently. |
32 | Successfully helped a father to gain the custody, care and control of his daughters despite the presumption of custody of children below 7 years old shall belong to the mother. |
33 | Successfully helped a client with missing foreign spouse to resolve his divorce issues and gained his divorce order. |