Awards and Recognition
We are proud to be nominated as the top finalists of "Matrimonial and Family Law Firm of the Year" and "Malaysia Law Firm of the Year" by ALB (Asian Legal Business) Law Awards 2017, 2018 and 2019 for Malaysia and South East Asia.
Our lawyers are the co-authors of the law text book with the title of Law and Practice of FAMILY LAW in Malaysia published by Sweet & Maxwell, Thomson Reuters.

Affair & Adultery
Discovering an affair is always a terrible surprise. We understand that such a discovery is unexpected and our clients are often at loss of what to do and how to deal with the situation. Our team at Low & Partners have not just the expertise and the experience, but also the empathy and patience, to advise our clients caught in such terrible circumstances on their next step. When an affair is involved, parties are always concerned about the evidence planning, strategy and analyst. We prepared to support them through the process of investigation - as well as provide advice on the relevance and weight-age of such evidence.
Related Solutions
Custodianship of Children
Wife and Children Maintenance
Foreigner's Divorce
Media Interviews
NTV 7: Malaysia Divorce Law & Procedure for Non-Muslims
NTV 7: Malaysia Child Adoption Law, Procedure & Policy
Bernama TV: Malaysia Divorce Law & Procedure
Traxx FM: Divorce Rate in Malaysia & Who do we seek for help?
Melody FM: 父母离婚,孩子的抚养权归谁?
Melody FM: 离婚后,财产如何分配?
ai FM: 外籍伴侣与法律事宜,你知多少?
ai FM: 解决法律纠纷可以不上法庭吗?
ai FM: 通奸是罪行吗?
ai FM: 婚姻纠纷
ai FM:婚前协议书的法律效应
Press Interviews
- The Star: Increasing number of divorce cases ("Not all marriages are made in heaven") --- 8/1/2012 --- Part 1 / Part 2
- The Star: High divorce rates in the 3rd year of marriage ("Beaware of the three-year itch") --- 8/1/2012
- The Star: Knowing your rights before spilting up --- 9/11/2011
- News Straits Time: Prenuptial agreement (" I do, but do sign here first") --- 27/11/2011
- The Star: Prenuptial Agreement "Till prenup do us apart" --- 1/3/2012
- The Star: Domestic Violence "Threats and Tantrums add to the fear factor" --- 12/8/2012
- The Star: Adoption Law "Reading the law on trafficking" --- 3/3/2013
- The Star: Divorce for Elder Citizens "Going seperate ways... after 50" --- 31/3/2013
- The Star: Spousal Medical Consent "A consent form may not be binding" --- 24/11/2013
- The Star: Change of Child's Name "Parents turn to cyberspace for inspiration" --- 5/1/2014
- The Star: Law on Child Labour "It's not illegal" --- 18/10/2015
- The Star: Adultery as cause of Divorce --- 9/10/2016
- The Star: Children of Divorced Family --- 13/11/2016
- The Star: Can you afford to untie the knot? --- 1/1/2017
- The Star: Parental alienation leaves bitter taste --- 6/8/2017 --- Part 1 / Part 2
- Sin Chew: [The story of Aaron and Jessie] When a foreign marriage breaks down, What should you do?---26/09/2018
- The Star: Doing it right by law ---24/3/2019
- Sin Chew: 律师:若有单方面为孩子改教 可入禀要求宣判无效---15/01/2022
- Guang Ming: 再一宗單方面為孩子改教 律師:可入稟要求宣判無效---15/01/2022
- The Star: Court rejects Mais bid to reinstate unilateral conversion ---27/01/2022--- Click Here
- Sin Chew: 联邦法院维持上诉庭裁决-单方面为子女改教无效---27/01/2022--- Click Here
- Guang Ming: 法院驳回上诉申请-父为5孩子改教无效---27/01/2022--- Click Here
What Our Clients Say
My Children's Future
While separation is difficult and emotional, thank you Low & Partners for managing the entire procedure, ensuring my children’s future welfare is taken care of.
My Rights
I was recommended by my friend who was divorced to contact Low & Partners. Never thought that it would happen to me too, but thanks to the professional legal team who advised on the entire process and always making sure that my rights and entitlements are protected.
My ex-Wife Maintenance
The legal team handling my file is professional, responsive and responsible.