SOON PEI graduated with a First Class Honours degree from the Northern University of Malaysia in 2020. He completed his pupillage in MESSRS. WONG & LOH and was admitted as an Advocate & Solicitors of the High Court of Malaya in November 2021.
He subsequently joined his practice in MESSRS LOW & PARTNERS as an Associate. He often engaged by clients to handle probate and administration of estates, real estates as well as conveyancing matters including but not limited to sub-sale, tenancy and advises financial institutions in property financing drawdown and perfection of loan documents. In addition, he is also actively involved and assists in civil litigation cases such as contract and commercial disputes, debts recovery, bankruptcy, employment and industrial relations and divorce matters.
“You can’t go back and change the beginning, but you can start where you are and change the ending” – C.S. Lewis.
SOON PEI believes that he may not be able to assist his clients in vanishing all of their past pains and traumatic experiences suffered but he is firm and confident that he is able to manage, overcome and solve them all with his high quality legal advices.